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How To Make A Body Scrub With Body Wash? Comprehensive Guide In 2024

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Making a body scrub with body wash is a simple and effective way to exfoliate and moisturize your skin in one step. Select a gentle body wash that suits your skin type and preferences. Pour a generous amount of the body wash into a clean bowl or container, depending on how much scrub you want to make. Next, add an exfoliating agent such as sugar, salt, or ground coffee to the body wash.

Grapefruit oil and grapefruit juice contain compounds that can interfere with the metabolism of certain medications, leading to increased or decreased blood levels. You can adjust the amount of exfoliant based on your desired level of scrubbing intensity. Once you’ve added the exfoliant to the body wash, mix the ingredients thoroughly until they are well combined. If you prefer a thicker scrub, you can add more exfoliant; if you choose a gentler scrub, you can add less. You can also customize your body scrub by adding honey, coconut, or essential oils for additional moisturizing and aromatic benefits. 

What Is The Difference Between a Body Scrub And a Body Wash?

Body scrub and body wash serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics:

Exfoliation vs. Cleansing

A body scrub’s main objective is to exfoliate the skin by clearing the surface of debris, pollutants, and dead skin cells. It usually incorporates abrasive particles like sugar, salt, or crushed coffee to physically scrub the skin softer and smoother, leaving the dead skin cells away. On the other hand, a body wash is primarily intended to clean the skin. Its cleansing agents and surfactants create a lather that lifts sweat, oil, and debris from the skin’s surface, leaving it feeling clean and renewed.  

Texture and Consistency

Body scrubs have a gritty texture due to the presence of exfoliating particles. These particles provide friction when applied to the skin, aiding in exfoliation. In contrast, body wash have a smooth and creamy consistency that lathers when mixed with water. This lather helps to distribute the cleansing agents evenly across the skin for effective cleansing without the need for abrasive particles.

Frequency of Use

Usually applied twice or three times a week, body scrubs help to exfoliate the skin and encourage cell turnover. Using a body scrub too frequently can cause irritation or damage to the skin. In contrast, body washes are used daily in a regular shower or bath routine to cleanse the skin and maintain hygiene.

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Body Scrub

Body scrubs remove dead skin cells and facilitate the absorption of moisturizers and treatments, which helps to improve skin texture, circulation, and skincare products’ efficacy. Contrarily, body washes aid in clearing the skin of debris, sweat, and pollutants, leaving it feeling clean, renewed, and moisturized.

Ultimately, body wash and body scrub have different functions and should be selected according to personal tastes and skincare requirements, even if they help maintain healthy skin.  

Is Sugar Scrub Good For Your Skin?

Yes, sugar scrub can help your skin if used correctly and moderately. Sugar exfoliates the skin naturally, eliminating dead cells and leaving the skin smoother and softer. When applied gently in circular motions, sugar scrub improves skin texture, promotes cell turnover, and unveils a more radiant complexion. Glycolic acid, another ingredient in sugar, is a mild exfoliator that can help unclog pores and prevent acne from appearing.

However, you must use a sugar scrub with caution. Granules used in sugar scrubs have the potential to be abrasive, and vigorous or over-scrubbing could cause skin irritation, redness, or tiny tears. Use a sugar scrub to lessen the likelihood of irritation.    

How To Use and Store Sugar Scrub?

Body Scrub

Using and storing sugar scrub is relatively simple, and following these guidelines can help you get the most out of your product:

How to Use Sugar Scrub

  • Start with clean, damp skin: Before using the scrub, soften your skin by wetting it with warm water and preparing it for exfoliation.
  • Take a small amount: Scoop out a small amount of sugar scrub from the container using clean fingers or a spoon. 
  • Gently massage onto the skin: Using gentle circular motions, massage the sugar scrub onto your skin, focusing on areas that need exfoliation, such as elbows, knees, and heels. Avoid scrubbing too vigorously, especially on sensitive areas.
  • Rinse off: After scrubbing, rinse off the sugar scrub thoroughly with warm water. You can also use a washcloth or loofah to help remove any remaining scrub particles.
  • Pat dry and moisturize: Use a towel to dry your skin gently after rinsing off the scrub. Then, moisturize your skin to seal it in moisture and maintain its smooth, soft texture.  

How to Store Sugar Scrub

  • Keep it sealed: To keep your sugar scrub fresh and avoid drying it out, store it in an airtight jar or container.  
  • Store it in a cool and dry place: The sugar scrub can deteriorate or melt if stored in regions with high humidity or direct sunshine.  
  • Use clean hands: To prevent contamination, always use clean, dry hands or a clean spoon to scoop the sugar scrub from the container. Avoid introducing water into the container, which can cause the scrub to spoil quickly.
  • Check for signs of spoilage: Over time, sugar scrub may lose its freshness or develop an unpleasant odor or mold growth. If you notice any changes in the scrub’s texture, color, or smell, replacing it with a fresh batch is best.

By following these tips for using and storing sugar scrub, you can enjoy the benefits of exfoliated and hydrated skin with a safe and effective product.

Further More : Benefits of Grapefruit Oil for Skin

Hand And Body Scrub Recipe

Body Scrub

Here’s a simple recipe for a homemade hand and body scrub using natural ingredients:


  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • A quarter cup of coconut oil or any other kind of carrier oil, such as sweet almond or olive oil  


Place the coconut oil and granulated sugar in a sanitized basin. If the oil is solid, you can softly warm it in a double boiler or the microwave until it melts completely.

A thick, gritty mixture will appear once the sugar and coconut oil are thoroughly mixed. Add extra sugar or coconut oil to change the consistency until the texture is what you like.

Add a few drops of essential oil to the mixture to properly disperse the scent, stirring thoroughly.

Move the scrub to a fresh, airtight jar or container for storage. Ensure the container is sealed correctly to keep the scrub from drying out.


In conclusion, creating your hand and body scrub at home is simple and lets you take the ingredients that suit your preferences and skincare needs. Incorporating this DIY scrub into your skincare routine can help promote healthy, radiant skin without the need for harsh chemicals or additives.


How to make a sugar scrub with body wash without coconut oil?

Mix granulated sugar with your favorite body wash until you achieve a thick, grainy paste consistency to make a sugar scrub with body wash without coconut oil. Adjust the sugar-to-body wash ratio for your desired texture, and store the scrub in an airtight container.

How to make a body scrub with body wash for glowing skin?

To make a body scrub with body wash for glowing skin, combine granulated sugar with body wash and add a few drops of lemon or orange essential oil for brightness. Massage the scrub gently onto damp skin in circular motions, then rinse off for refreshed, radiant skin.

How to make body scrub with body wash for dry skin

To create a body scrub for dry skin, mix granulated sugar with a moisturizing body wash and add a tablespoon of honey for extra hydration. Massage the scrub onto damp skin, focusing on dry areas, then rinse off for soft, nourished skin.

How to use body scrub?

To use a body scrub:

  1. Dampen your skin with water, then scoop a small amount of scrub into your hands.
  2. Massage the scrub gently onto your skin, focusing on rough areas like elbows and knees.
  3. Rinse with lukewarm water thoroughly and pat dry for smooth, exfoliated skin.